How To Leave A Review On Carousell [2023]? Rate & Review Hassle-Free!!

Are you looking for the process of how to leave a review on Carousell? If so, then this is the most perfect place for you and you will get to know about that.

If you are looking for different items you will definitely look for someplace where you will be able to get everything together. Once, you will get a place like that, it will be better for you if you will give it a review. That is why reviews on Carousell will definitely play a vital role as well.

While looking for the steps of how to leave a review on Carousell you will get some steps. Those steps will be as follows like complete a deal > choose the seller or the buyer based on your side > tap on the “Leave a review” button > give ratings and then leave a comment as a review.

It is true that these steps will help you to complete the steps of the process of how to leave a review on Carousell. Still, to get a better understanding, you need to know the brief details, as the guidance itself.

How To Leave A Review On Carousell?

How to leave a review on Carousell? First up you will have to complete a deal, then after that choose the seller or the buyer based on your side, after that tap on the “leave a review” button, you can also give ratings and then leave a comment as a review.

There are several places where you or a lot of other people can trade a lot of things. Also, there will be some places where you will be able to do that online as well. If you are going to look for an online store for your required items then you can easily use the Carousell app for you.

Below are the steps that will help you with the steps of how to rate on carousell and how to leave a review on Carousell:

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Step 1: First, you need to open the Carousell website or the app and look for the item that you want to buy. Or if you are a seller, then you need to make the listing of your item

Step 2: Then you need to make a deal with the other party

Step 3: Once, you will be done with the deal, you will receive the product or you will sell that based on your side.

Step 4: After that, when you will try to give a review, you need to visit that seller again, and need to select “Make Offer”. If you are the seller, then you need to tap on “Accept offer”.

Step 5: Then, you will be able to see an option as “Leave a review”

Step 6: You need to select that option, and then you will be redirected to the review page.

Step 7: There you need to select the stars and those will be the ratings.

Step 8: After that, there will be the option to leave a comment and that will be the review.

Step 9: Now you need to submit that to update the review.

While discussing this, you need to know that there will be a 30-day time period where you or the other party can give a review for any Carousell listing. Once, you will complete a deal successfully, then you need to give that review. That will be helpful for all other people as a seller or as a buyer.

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Wrapping Up

So, you have already got to know about the process of how to leave a review on Carousell. The process has several steps and you also need to know a bit of detail about those steps. Once, you will be able to know about those steps you can easily give the review to your buyer or seller perfectly. So, you need to know and understand the complete process with steps, and once done, you need to review the item you have already bought or sold.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Can One Get From Carousell Online?

There are different items that you will be able to get from Carousell. There will be different items that might be new and used as well. You will be able to get items like electrics, cars, fashion, furniture, and so on.

2. What Are The Steps Of How To Leave a Review on Carousell?

If you are going to know the steps of how to leave a review on Carousell, you will get the steps as complete a deal > choose the seller or the buyer based on your side > tap on the “Leave a review” button > give ratings and then leave a comment as a review. These will help you to understand the complete process.

3. Can A Seller Review His Or Her Buyer On This App?

Yes, a seller can review his or her buyer on this online marketplace. If you are a seller, and someone bought something from you, then you need to know that you can give a review to your buyer as well. In fact, that will really be a lot helpful for other sellers to understand that buyer.

Bhawani Singh

Bhawani is a Senior Content Writer at Deasilex. He has 2+ years of experience writing about a wide range of technology topics. His role at Deasilex primarily involves researching, developing and creating content for How to Social Media Articles and Gadgets FAQ's.

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