How To Post A Video On Bereal? A Detailed Guide!

The social media platform BeReal has received a lot of attention and has grown significantly since the last one. In light of the publicity surrounding BeReal, we are here to explain how it functions. If you’re looking forward to know how to post a video on bereal keep reading the article.

The concept of BeReal is exactly what its name suggests: being your true, genuine, and real self. The photographs cannot be edited with any tools or filters of any kind. You alone are responsible. On the app, a front-facing and back-facing picture are taken simultaneously, and you can post it afterward.

All users of the app receive a notification at a different time every day. You then have to take a photo of exactly what you are doing when the notification goes off or once you see the notification on your phone. The goal is to record the facts of daily living and get away from the staged Instagram lifestyle, which is why the notification sounds at a different time every day.

This article incorporates everything you are required to know about how to post a video on Bereal. We hope this article will give you a complete guide on how to post video on bereal. 

How To Post a Video On Bereal?

Having heard so much about bereal and its use, we see a sudden hype over the last year. With Bereal being so widely used, it is coming up with new features every now and then. However, we have been hearing a lot about how to post a video on bereal. 

Following are the steps of how to post a video on bereal: 

Step 1: Launch the BeReal application and log in to your account if needed.

Step 2: You have now arrived at the BeReal app’s home page. You will be required to upload your BeReal in order to view your friends’ BeReals when you try to view them here. Here, you can find a Late BeReal posting option.

Step 3: Click on the Take a BeReal option to post your BeReal.

Step 4: Click your picture from both cameras within a two minutes time frame. Press the send option to post it.

There you go! How to post on BeReal is as follows. Posting your BeReal to the app is simple. Now that you’ve realised this, you must be wondering if uploading a late BeReal has any repercussions. Let’s continue reading to find out how that works.

How To Post A Comment Or RealMoji On BeReal?

How to Post a Video on Bereal

After having know the guide on how to post a video on bereal, next up we have how to post a comment or realmoji on bereal?

Along with posting your own photos, you have two ways to interact with other people’s photos: Comments and RealMojis.

Comments are just what they sound like. Below are the steps on how to post a comment or realmoji on bereal:

Step 1: You can add a comment to someone’s BeReal post by tapping the white speech bubble icon in the bottom-right corner of the photo.

Step 2: Tap on the smiley face icon under that to send a RealMoji.

Step 3: These are quick reactions you can add to someone’s post by taking a photo of yourself imitating a certain Emoji.

Wrapping  Up 

Unfortunately, there is no such way you can post a video on bereal, you can only post a picture on bereal and not a video on bereal. As bereal emphasises on being real and posting your pictures just as they are without any filter. However, you never know maybe in the future such feature maybe introduced. As of now there is no such thing post a video on bereal. 

Furthermore, if you have any related queries do feel free to ask us in the comment section below. We assure to revert as soon as we can. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Can Anyone See Your BeReal?

BeReal posts can be public or private

By default, any photo you post on BeReal only gets added to your private My Friends feed. This means that the only people who can see your photo are the ones on your friends list. But when you’re posting your photo, you’ll also have a chance to make it public.

2. When Can I Post On BeReal?

Users are allowed to share time-stamped photos after the window has passed, but all images are treated like tardy homework with a “15 minutes late” disclaimer emblazoned across the top. To create a post, the app needs access to your smartphone cameras.

3. Does BeReal Show Screenshots?

BeReal has made the screenshot notification app which reveals to the user if somebody has taken a screenshot of the picture. This allows the users to know the details of the person along with sharing their real image on other social media as well.

4. Why Is My BeReal Not Posting?

To Fix BeReal app issue, first uninstall and then reinstall the BeReal app. Sometime Uninstalling and Reinstalling the BeReal app will resolve the issue. So, First Uninstall the app from your phone after that re install again and check BeReal app is working or not. If still BeReal app not working then try other fixes.

Bhawani Singh

Bhawani is a Senior Content Writer at Deasilex. He has 2+ years of experience writing about a wide range of technology topics. His role at Deasilex primarily involves researching, developing and creating content for How to Social Media Articles and Gadgets FAQ's.

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