Mimu Discord Bot | How To Activate Mimu Bot Discord?

Mimu Discord Bot is a cute Discord Bot you can activate on your Discord Server. Mimu bot Discord brings extensive functionality and utility, enclosing what we consider the epitome of cuteness overload. Mimu is classy, aesthetic, and adorable, and is bound to touch your heart. Just like the small Mimu Discord Bot there are many small bots you can use on your Discord server. 

Mimu Discord Bot has extensive configuration options and a simple style. Mimu Bot Discord brings to you a one-of-a-kind economy system to your Discord server and brings your dreams to reality. Its utilities are packed, made to be user-friendly and serves to be a cuter currency system. One of the most premium features of the Mimu Discord bot includes allowing users to create their shops where they can sell roles, items, prestige, and perks.

To add the Mimu Discord Bot to your Discord account, go to the link and then give it all the authorization, and the bot will be automatically added to your Discord account. You can see the Mimu Discord Bot in your Discord account on the left side of the homepage of Discord.

Mimu bot discord is efficient and has millions of possibilities for you in accordance with your community’s needs. Mimu Discord Bot comes equipped with a customizable, per-server currency system that can be managed by any user with the MANAGE_SERVER and MANAGE_CHANNEL permissions. You can also make your own bot on Discord too. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to activate the Memu Discord Bot into your Discord server. 

How To Activate Mimu Discord Bot?

To activate the Mimu Discord Bot  > Mimu Invite to Server > Select Server > Discord Server Name > Continue > authorize > Mimu Bot Discord Login 

Mimu Discord Bot permissions can be configured similarly to any other Discord bot that uses slash commands. To add Mimu Discord Bot, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Mimu Discord Bot Invite

Step 2: Scroll to Bottom

Step 3: Click on Mimu bot Invite to Server

Step 4: Select Server

Step 5: Add your Discord Server Name 

Step 6: Tap On Continue

Step 7: Scroll Down

Step 8: Tap on Authorize 

Step 9: Log in with your Discord account 

Step 10: Done 

Mimu Discord Bot Configuration Name And Default Settings

Prefix- . 

Currency – Donut 

Startval – 0

Mallowval – 1

Dailyvalmax – 60

Dailyvalmin – 30

Workvalmax – 15

Workvalmin – 5

Pickvalmax – 10

Pickvalmin – 5

Daily cool down – 1440 (mins)

Work cool down – 60 (mins)

Shop – null

Auto space – off

Blacklist – null

Embed color – default baby blue

Memu Discord Bot Commands And Features

<> = optional arguments || [] = mandatory arguments

general commandsthese commands can be done by anyone
.balance <user>.balance.balance @iara#0001checks someone’s balance
.buy [product # or name in shop].buy 3.buy flowersbuy something from shop
.clickmallow.clickmallowspam-click a marshmallow within a timeframe.
.coinflip [heads/tails] [value #].coinflip h 500.coinflip head 50.coinflip tails 100flip a coin and gamble
.drop [value #].drop 100drop an amount of to be picked
.help.helppreview help page
.give.give iara#0001 5.give @iara#0001 flowers.give iara flowersgive away an amount of currency or an item
.leaderboard <page #>.leaderboard.leaderboard 1view leaderboard
.pet <user> <-remind>.pet.pet @iara#0001pet the bot or give away for or give to user
.pick.pickpick up dropped in the chat when Mimu prompts
.ping.pingpings the bot
.shop <page #>.shop.shop 2shows the server’s shop
.slots [amount #].slots 10play a game of slots betting your money
.snuggle <user> <-remind>.snuggle.snuggle iara#0001snuggle the bot or give away for or give to user
.suggest [suggestion].suggest Mimu should have more commandsinputs a suggestion to Mimu
pet / vote commandsthese commands either link to voting, or require you to have pets (checked by .balance). pets are bought by a global currency, .
.feed <-remind>.feed.feed -remind.feed -rfeed your pet and extend its life; requires you to have food for your pet. optional parameter that gets mimu to remind you (in dms) to feed your pet after 10 minutes.
.play <-remind>.playplay with your pet to extend its life
.playdate [user]>.playdate @iara#0001have a playdate with someone else’s pet!
.vote.votesends you the link to vote for mimu
.votes <claim/shop/buy>.votes claim.votes shop.votes buyallows you to claim, or check from voting, or check mimu’s booster pet shop, or buy from mimu’s booster pet shop.
configurable settingsthese commands require ‘Manage Server’ permissions
.set.setview current server settings
.set prefix [new prefix].set prefix :?.set prefix ~sets a new prefix
.set currency [new currency symbol].set currency :pizza:.set currency $sets a new currency symbol
.set startval [value #].set startval 100set new amount when joined
.set mallowval [value #].set mallowval 2set new amount each time someone clicks the mallow in clickmallow comands
.set dailyvalmax/workvalmin [value #].set dailyvalmax 150.set dailyvalmin 30set new maximum and minimum amount given for snuggle command
.set workvalmax/workvalmin [value #].set workval 40.set workvalmax 20set new maximum and minimum amount given for pet command
.set pickvalmax/pickvalmin [value #].set pickvalmax 20.set pickvalmin 10set new maximum and minimum amount given for pick command when spawned
.set dailycooldown [mins #].set dailycooldown 6set new cooldown for snuggle command (in minutes)
.set workcooldown [mins #].set workcooldown 3set new cooldown for pet command (in minutes)
.set pickchannels #channel.set pickchannel #general-chat.set pickchannels #general-2(toggles pick spawn) (plural or not plural also okay for pickchannel(s)) add or remove pickchannels for .pick to spawn during active chatting, which can be picked by .pick
.set pickspeed [1-5/fastest/fast/medium/slow/slowest].set pickspeed 1.set pickspeed fastesttoggles the frequency / speed of pickspawn. 1 for fastest, 5 for slowest; alternatively, type fastest – slowest
.set pickhard <on/off>.set pickhard.set pickhard off.set pickhard ontoggles the requirement of typing a hard code / pass word to pick the pickspawn.
.set blacklist #channel.set blacklist #general-chat.set blacklist #general-1 #general-2 #general-3(toggles blacklisting) blacklist(s) or unblacklists channel(s) that are mentioned
.set embedcolor #hexcode.set embedcolor #000000sets a color for majority of bot embeds
.set shop.set shop.set shop add.set shop removestarts the automated shop maker instructions, so you don’t have to use the long version of the command.
.set shop add/+ [price value #] [no. of product available #] [product name], <role>.set shop + 10 5 steam key.set shop add 10 0 flowers.set shop add 100 10 Cool, Cool Peopleadds something to the shop according to your configurations. number of product available: to make unlimited, type 0
.set shop remove/- [product name].set shop remove flowers.set shop remove steam key.set shop – Coolremoves a product from shop
.set autodelete <on/off>.set autodelete.set autodelete on.set autodelete offturn on or turn off your autodeletion of command invocations
.set advancedmode <on/off>.set advancedmode.set advancedmode on.set advancedmode offturn on or off advanced mode, which toggles the shop’s showing of item id
.set greetmsg [msg].set greetmsg welcome {user} to {server_name}! You are the {server_membercount_ordinal} member!.set greetmsg welcome {user} {embed:greet_embed}sets a greet message. for all placeholders, refer to .help ar. can use one embed, create the embed using .embed command.
.set leavemsg [msg].set leavemsg bye {user_tag}, I won’t miss you.set a leave message. similar to greet msg.
.set greetchannel [#channel].set greetchannel #welcomeset a channel for greets to occur in.
.set leavechannel [#channel].set leavechannel #bye-byeset a channel for leave to occur in.
.set roleincome [hourly/daily/weekly] [value #] [role].set roleincome hourly 100 Moderators.set roleincome remove Boostersadds or removes roleincome.
.set betmax/min [value #].set betmax 10.set betmin 1set new maximum and minimum for bets in gambling.
.set activityvalmax/activityvalmin [value #].set activityvalmax 100.set activityvalmin 1sets new maximum and minimum curency earned per message when typing in a activitychannel and not on cooldown
.set activitychannels #channel.set activitychannels #chat-1 #chat-2 #chat-3toggles mentioned channels for activity chat currency earning
miscellaneous administrative commandsthese commands require ‘Manage Server’ permissions
.event start <#channel> [value #] <description>.event start 100.event start #general 300start a currency reaction event in the channel you typed in or specified channel
.event end <#channel>.event end.event end #generalends a currency event in channel you typed in or specified channel
.modifybal add/remove/+/- [value #] [user].modifybal + 100 @iara#0001.modifybal add 300 iara.modifybal – 100 iara#0001.modifybal remove 500 @iara#0001adds/remove balance of a user
.modifyrolebal add/remove/+/- [value #] [role].modifyrolebal + 100 mods.modifyrolebal add 500 @Moderators.modifyrolebal – 1000 ModerAtors.modifyrolebal remove 10000 mutedadds/remove balance of those in a specified role
.reset all [options (confirm, settings, events, shop, inventory, balances)].reset all confirm.reset all settings.reset all setting.reset all event.reset all shop.reset all events.reset all inventories.reset all inventoryresets the argument you put in (note: plural doesn’t matter in this command), for inventories, balances, settings, events or the shop, or all at once (confirm).
.reset [user].reset iara#0001resets a user’s balance
.reset balance/inventory [user].reset balance iara#0001reset’s a user’s balance or inventory
mod util commandsthese commands require special corresponding permissions, e.g. manage channels permission
.autoresponder add/+ [trigger] | [response].autoresponder add hi mimu! | hello {user}!add an autoresponder to Mimu
.autoresponder remove/- [trigger].autoresponder remove hi mimu!.autoresponder – hi mimu!remove an autoresponder to mimu
.autoresponder show [trigger].autoresponder show hi mimu!show an autoresponder
.embed.embedgives details on how embeds can be used, edited and worked on
.embed create [name].embed create greetcreates an embed of such a name. the name is used as a key to refer to in autoresponders, greet messages, and when editing the embed. To attach it to these, use {embed:[name]}, for example, {embed:greet}.
.embed edit [property] [name] [value] | <for some properties, the link is put here>.embed edit title greet Welcome!Edits the embed’s property.
.embed properties.embed propertiesShows the embed properties
crisis commandsthese commands don’t require specific permissions
.crisis [country name].crisis usa.crisis japanview crisis hotlines for a specified country
.crisis online

.crisis onlineonline hotlines and active listening sites

To Sum Up

This was all about the Mimu Discord Bot and how to activate it. The Mimu Discord bot is an excellent piece of development mainly focused on the cuter currency system. The bot when seen in the first look offers an adorable, cute, and aesthetic look that quickly grabs attention. There are many friends servers for Discord which you can use on your Discord server. 


Q. What Does The Mimu Bot Do?

Mimu Discord Bot brings to you a one-of-a-kind economy system to your Discord server and brings your dreams to reality. Its utilities are packed, made to be user-friendly and serves to be a cuter currency system. One of the most premium features of the Mimu Discord bot includes allowing users to create their shops where they can sell roles, items, prestige, and perks.

Q. What Is Mimu?

Mimu Discord Bot is a cute Discord Bot you can activate on your Discord Server. Mimu bot Discord brings extensive functionality and utility, enclosing what we consider the epitome of cuteness overload. Mimu is classy, aesthetic, and adorable, and is bound to touch your heart.

Q. How Do I Use The Welcome Mimu Bot?

Mimu Discord Bot needs to know that embed to be a part of greeting use. Set greet msg welcome, {user}! {embed:greet_embed} to set the greet message to a short welcome, pinging the user, and the embed is just created.

Q. How Do I Make My Mimu Bot Talk?

If you want Mimu Discord Bot to respond with Hey cutie! when you type hi mimu! you would have to type . ar + hi mimu | Hey cutie!

Q. How Do You Get A Pet In A Mimu Bot?

The Pets in mimu Bot Discord is bought by a global currency. You can feed your pet and extend its life, it requires you to have food for your pet. You have an optional parameter that gets mimu to remind you in direct messages to feed your pet after 10 minutes. You can also have a playdate with someone else’s pet on mimu bot too. 

Koushal Jaral

Koushal is an Associate Content Writer at Deasilex. He is one of the most passionate writers whose fondness for video games has made him write about trending Video Games, their live streaming & Discord, daily for a living. Any How to, FAQ, or any other troubleshoot for any Video Game is available with Koushal 24x7.

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